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Tips to Make Your Classic Car More Dependable

Anyone who has owned a classic car for any period of time knows that these cars require regular maintenance as well as periodic repairs to keep them on the road. With that in mind we put together some tips to make your classic car more dependable to provide you with more miles of driving enjoyment.

Keep Your Filters Clean

Light shining thru classic car air filter

If your classic car cannot breathe, it certainly is not going to perform at its highest capability. Just like your body needs to breathe freely to exercise efficiently, so does your classic car or truck. Dirty, clogged filters will reduce you fuel efficiency and create other issues like a rough idle.

The same goes for your fuel filters. Sediment in your gas tank is eventually going to make it to your fuel filter which will restrict your gas flow or stop it all together. Make sure you replace this filter often. They are inexpensive but can make a huge difference in overall performance.

Put In Fresh Spark Plugs

If you want tour motor to purr, one of the best things you can do is replace old spark plugs with new ones. Spark plugs are the key to properly igniting the air/fuel mixture flowing through your engine’s combustion chambers. Your engine will simply run cleaner and more efficiently with a fresh set of plugs. You will certainly notice the increase in performance.

As part of the plug replacement process it is good to check the distributor cap and rotor, and replace as needed to keep the proper performance.

Do Not Skimp On Tires

3 tires showing different tread types

The importance of good tires cannot be overstated. They are one of, if not the most important parts of any vehicle. Good tires allow you to brake, accelerate and provide traction for turning. If they are worn out or under-inflated then not only are you running a risk of having a blowout, but your gas mileage is also going to suffer. Even worse you could be causing permanent damage to your suspension.

Replace Mechanical Fan with an Electric Fan

Mechanical fans and idling do not work well together. Mechanical fans rely on engine speed to keep things cool. On the other hand, electrical fans just need electricity. If your classic does not have an electrical fan system, do not despair. There are low-cost, bolt-on systems that are easy to install. So, whether you are idling in a traffic jam or out cruising the open road, an electric fan will always keep your engine at the optimum temperature. In addition, the electrical fan system frees up horsepower since the engine does not have to drive the belt for the mechanical fan system.

Upgrade Your Gauges

Like everything in this world, it will eventually begin to fail. If you still have the original gauges in your classic, we suggest an upgrade or replacing them with new OEM gauges. Original gauges are only going to stand the test of time for so long before they start to give inaccurate readings. While it might not cause too many issues if it was the speedometer that went bad, having the temperature gauge go out on you can cause some serious problems. Reliable gauges help you to identify any mechanical issues early. If you are not able to upgrade the existing dash cluster, consider installing some new gauges in another location so you can keep a close eye on your vehicle’s performance readings.

Convert To an Electronic Ignition System

It is quite common in classic cars to have a points ignition system. These systems are less than desirable because they require a continuous cleaning and adjustment routine to keep your car running smoothly. The points can deteriorate over time and will need to be replaced. Instead, you might want to switch to an electronic ignition system. They are much more reliable, provide a much smoother start up and also provides better fuel efficiency.

Convert from Carburetor to Fuel Injection

EFI fuel injection system on V8 engine

The problem with carburetors is that it is difficult to get everything perfect. Because of their design, you just can’t compensate for every situation with the adjustments you have available. You end up with compromises. The settings that work best in summer won’t be ideal for winter. The settings that give you max power may not be ideal for sitting in city traffic. The ability of fuel injection to adjust for changing conditions is what makes it so desirable. You get instant starting under all conditions, great cold engine drive-away and maximum fuel efficiency under all conditions. If done properly, fuel injection also eliminates the dreaded “vapor lock” encountered with carbureted engines.

Convert Drum Brakes To A Disc Braking System

This might be the last tip, but it is one of the first things we would do to our classic cars and trucks to make them drive better and safer. Not only are disc brakes much safer they are also much easier and cheaper to maintain. If you plan to make your classic into a high horsepower street machine, then disc brakes are an absolute necessity. Also having a single master brake cylinder is a bad idea. If it happens to leak or fail your entire braking system could fail. Make sure you have a dual master cylinder system in place to separate the operation of the front brakes from the rear. That way if one fails, you still have the other system to rely on. Stopping is important!


There certainly are more things you can do to make your classic car or truck perform better and be more dependable and safer to drive from the simple steps like maintaining tire pressure and fluid levels to the more complicated steps like tuning your carburetor and maintaining the right oxygen to fuel ratio. We think that these tips to make your classic car more dependable are a first start depending on your budget.  This does not however address the core things that you should be routinely checking and maintaining to keep you and your prized possession safe and sound when out for a cruise.

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2 thoughts on “Tips to Make Your Classic Car More Dependable”

    1. Typically very few owners drive their vintage cars in rain or snow, but the wiper blades should be regularly inspected to make sure the rubber has not dry rotted or deteriorated as part of regular maintenance. Some vintage cars had wipers operated by compressed air (from the spare tire) or even no windshield wipers at all; these cars should be considered for conversion to electric motor wiper systems.

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