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Inside a classic car restoration shop showing a number of cars and truck in process of restoration

Picking the Right Classic Car Restoration Shop

The reality is that most restoration projects that are started never get finished. Unfortunately, the personal pain that goes along with some these unfinished projects seems to last longer than the project itself. Certainly, many restoration shops, automotive consultants, and TV shows make a lot of money and notoriety on the failures of the car lovers in the world. So, picking the right classic car restoration shop will help you along the way to success.

Do you know the # 1 problem people encounter when repairing their classic car or truck?

Picking the wrong repair shop.

I have been working on  and collecting classic cars for most of my adult life. You would not believe the horror stories I have heard and seen over the years from people taking their classic car or truck for repairs to the wrong shop.

So, what can you do to select the right shop? Here are a few of our tips:

Get it in writing

It would be foolish to not get all terms, warranties and guarantees in writing. It protects you and the shop by providing clear expectations throughout the restoration process. Again, restorations often take months if not years to complete. However, you need to know that your vehicle is a top priority for the shop and not just sitting in a corner waiting for someone to “get to it.” It is best to have a reasonable timeframe in writing as well.

Hi view of classic car restoration shop interior

Look for a shop that works exclusively on classic cars and trucks

This first tip is going to help you to narrow down your choices. It is highly suggested that you seek out classic car restoration experts. You would not hire a shop that specialized in European exotic sports cars to restore your Ford Mustang and vice versa.

The perfect situation would be to find a Mustang specialist, but that may not be possible depending on where you live. There will be, however, plenty of great shops to choose from that specialize in Ford, Chevy, Mopar, etc. no matter what part of the country you reside.

Check online reviews and with the Better Business Bureau

A quick search on Google can often bring up previous customer feedback in online reviews. If a shop has a bunch of 2- and 3-star reviews, you might want to look for a different shop. Do not let a few bad reviews deter you. That is bound to happen in any business. 

You can also check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have any complaints filed against them or any negative reviews left on the BBB website. On the other hand, the business may be accredited by them. That means that company will typically put in the effort to resolve any consumer complaints and have mostly satisfied customers.

Meet the shop owner or manager

This is a particularly important part of choosing a restoration shop. Restorations often take months if not years to complete. You are going to be spending a lot of time communicating with the shop owner or manager. Make sure you agree completely and enjoy speaking with each other. I cannot imagine not having a good relationship with the main person responsible for my restoration or repair.

Plus, far too often a negative attitude from a shop owner or manager will trickle down and spread to other employees working there.

Visit the shop in person and ask to have a look around. Is it organized? Are cars cared for? Look at the equipment. Look at the employees. Look at the tools

Trust your instinct on this one! If you walk into a shop and observe employees with bad attitudes or the place is a major mess and looks disorganized, it is a bad sign of things to come. On the other side of the coin, a shop that is sparkling clean and offers things too good to be true with a friendly smile could also be hiding something. Best thing to do is trust your inner senses.

One thing you should certainly check into is if all technicians at the shop are ASE certified (Automotive Service Excellence). Every automobile professional should at least be tested, and ASE certified before becoming a restoration expert.

Be clear about what you are looking to accomplish

You need to set your expectations of the final restoration or repair and clearly communicate that with every shop you are interested in. Get together at the shop and produce a realistic plan of what is expected of you both to make your dream machine a reality. A high-quality shop may have to charge you to do a proper inspection of the car to give an accurate estimate. That alone could run as high as $500 but is a wise investment if you are planning to spend tens of thousands.

Inspect the restoration shop's work

It is in your best interest to look at previous restorations performed by the shop. Ask the shop owners for referrals from previous customers. You might also ask them if they have any photos of their completed projects including before restoration, work progress, and completion.

Another effective way to see cars is at local shows or by meeting up with local car clubs.  Many enthusiasts will be familiar with restoration shops in the area and can provide opinions and work that has been done on their own classic cars and trucks.

Inertior of classic car restoration shop showing 2 trucks on stands and parts stored in wall racks

Insist on a professional inspection prior to any work being done. Expect to pay for the inspection

Any shop that tells you they can give an accurate restoration estimate without an inspection is either crazy or overcharging you. There is no way of knowing what lies under the hood without a full inspection of the vehicle. Like we said earlier, while it often costs money for an inspection, it is a wise investment if you are planning to spend tens of thousands. Also, make sure that the inspector is not affiliated in some way or friends with the shop owner to ensure you have a truly independent assessment.


For the classic car lover, bringing an old car back to life can be a truly rewarding experience, or it can be a nightmare that never seems to end. This is a quick list to help you in picking the right classic car restoration shop. Search our blog archives for more detail and tips to help you succeed in your dream for restoring your classic car.

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1 thought on “Picking the Right Classic Car Restoration Shop”

  1. My dad owns a classic car, and I was thinking of getting it restored to a usable condition once I find the right auto body shop for the job. I found it helpful when you advised us to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if the auto body shop we’re considering has negative reviews regarding their services before we decide to hire them. I’ll be sure to check the reviews first before I contact an auto body shop I’m considering.

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